Christmas Memories
By Tilly Rivers
Copyright 2009, Tilly Rivers
It is not the gifts that is forefront in my memories
Very few presents do I remember
I remember the feelings as if they were yesterday
I remember every year we use to sing Christmas carols
Out of tune
Off key
Words not remembered-- hummed
It was so beautiful
No music now matches its wonder
I remember all of us being home
The gathering of the clan
The smells of home made baking
Christmas cake, home made candy, and a raisin pie
Dad’s favorite
Mom’s famous pumpkin pie
Going for a drive into town to see the Christmas lights on display
The ‘ohhh’s” and “aww’s”
Of each glass bulb blinking for our personal honor
I remember Dad would place a nail just so for us to place our socks
One by one we would put them up
With visions of what Santa Claus would bring
Always on Christmas morning we had to eat breakfast
Before we had our gifts
The one healthy meal of the day
For we were allowed to eat candy whenever we wanted
That day only
Stuff our faces until we turned green
I remember the turkey dinners
Christmas stories of past
The mistletoe hanging in the living room
My parents making excuses to visit it often
My special ornament for the tree
Hand sewn doll clothes
My first doll house
Lovingly built with wall paper on the walls
Curtains on the windows, carpet and furniture
Each piece created from love
For me
I remember believing in magic
For my parents made it special
I remember candy canes and snow
Making snow angels
Throwing unsuspecting snow missiles at my siblings
And running behind my dad for protection if they dared to get even
I remember the laughter the most…
Christmas memories
Captured moments of the soul
Making me smile