Thanks for stopping by, I hope you enjoy the collection of poems in this blog. You are welcome to copy these poems and post them to your blog or website, or add to your personal collection, free of charge, I ask only that you leave it 'as is' and include the author name: ME- Tilly Rivers
Breathe In the Sensations
By Tilly Rivers
Breathe in the sensations--of gratitude
Discover the consciousness--of self-assurance
Feel the beauty--of smoothness
Know the touch--of gentleness
Laugh with a--playful heart
Breathe in the sensations--of better awareness
Discover the ability--to be enhanced
Feel the empowerment --of being inspired
Express amusement--with laughter
Breath in life’s energy--Love
Gain insight into acceptance and surrender
Open to the adaptive and receptive qualities of life
That of pure energy --Freedom
Trust in loves natural folds
Be present moment to moment
In your life--breathe in the sensations
Photo: Copyright 2008-Tilly Rivers