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Birthday Wishes
By Tilly Rivers
COPYRIGHT Tilly Rivers, 2005
Clarence Rivers, Birth date: February 27
This birthday wish is not like any other
For it is placed on the wings of the wind
My lips whisper to a different realm
Happy Birthday Dad
I love you so
It is so hard to believe that you are not here
No card to buy
No gift to give
No telephone call
No visit
Yet my heart beats with the same wishes
Happy Birthday Dad
I love you so
Special delivery today from the wings of the wind
From me to you
A hug, a smile
Yes even a tear
Happy Birthday Day
I love you so
I miss your voice
Your hugs
Your kisses
I miss you calling me “Baby Girl”
I miss you so much Dad, not just today but always
Wind, please be strong and carry this message to the beyond
Swirl and dance and hold him tight
And whisper in his ear my love this night
By Tilly Rivers
© Copyright, Tilly Rivers 2011
I need to Inhale
Flames of me, flames of you
Breathing fire-Pure desire
I need to Inhale
Cravings, wanting you
Breathing fire-wet with desire
I need to Inhale
Flames of us- flesh melting into the other
Breathing fire Turning our love to desire
I need to touch
Touching you- touching me
Touching fire- erotic desire
..........my fire
While the path may look cold
Is it not beautiful?
Do not be so sure your next steps are wrong
Do not be scared to venture along a new path
Or warm?
Judge with your complete spirit of self
Not with what the populace deems correct
No the difference between illusion and truth
Follow your heart, know your mind, and feed your spirit
Not with cold
With the mystic power of
Breathe in the sensations--of gratitude
Discover the consciousness--of self-assurance
Feel the beauty--of smoothness
Know the touch--of gentleness
Laugh with --a playful heart
Discover the ability--to be enhanced
Feel the empowerment --of being inspired
Express amusement--with laughter
Life’s energy--Love
Gain insight--acceptance and surrender
Open and receptive--qualities of life
Pure energy --Freedom
Trust in love--natural folds
Be present--moment to moment
Breathe in the sensations—the essence of you
Copyright, Tilly Rivers
Reaching into the air
Seeing the colours that aren’t really there
When will I learn that love is a fable?
And stop falling on my knees begging like a fool
Falling on my knees
Crying so loud
Sobs from the heart
Wrenching my heart; questioning who I am
Raise my hands to the sky
Clenched fists begging why
Why am I such a fool to believe?
Why am I such a fool to still care?
It does not seem to matter how much you hurt me
I still have a spot that won’t let you go inside me
I’m not a silly person without backbone or brain
Why than I ask; Am I such a fool when it comes to you?
“Let him go!” my mind screams
“Let him go!” My spirit begs “Release the pain”
Yet my heart hangs on like a fool
A fool on my knees
By Tilly Rivers
Copyright, 2006
I have embraced life
I am so willing to go
My to do list is long
Each time I complete a mission
I add more
A little more daring
A little more fun
I have let life
Take my heart
My body
My soul
I am one with the wind
The sun and the rain
Each day in life
I do
I see
No path unexplored
No star undetected
No body of water untouched
No sunset concealed
I have decided
I will never have regrets
For a dream undiscovered
I will never know a page
Of a book unlearned, unread
Freedom is mine
I thank life each day
I praise the universe with a smile
Life has captivated me
Tilly Rivers, 2010
Don't Drop Me
I’ve craved love-Wanted so badly for it to be true
Don’t drop me
I’ve opened myself to chance-A chance at love with you
Don’t drop me
I’ve always been scared to dream-Shut off the hope that love does exist
I won’t be able to survive the plunge
Don’t drop me